Thursday, November 01, 2007

Halloween 2007

So last night I won $200. I'm not sure which contest I won -- Best Costume, Best Original Costume, or Best Karaoke Performance. But a buddy says someone else won the karaoke contest, so it must have been one of the costume ones. I was a twisted version of the Tooth Fairy. Here I am:

And here's a close-up of my belt. Yes, that's an actual coin changer, along with real surgical tools:

And here's an extraction in progress:

And here's my karaoke performance (no audio file, sorry):

Good times!


Ran said...

Well done, very creepy — especially in the first picture. *shudders*

dgm said...

A tooth fairy that only gives coins? That's just sick.

Gil said...

Well, now that you've announced your winnings, you'll probably have to declare it on your income tax return.

Maybe you can deduct the expenses from the costume, lobbying, etc.

EC said...

if im a toothfairy what will i pick at the karaoke machine?

Anonymous said...
was he your date at the party?

Anonymous said...

ahrm! sorry, let's try that again...go go gadget html tags!
Was he your date at the party?