In the comments, some readers wondered whether the Annual Rite of Overdue Dumping was a real phenomenon. I was forced to admit that I had no hard data, only my perceptions about when people break up.
Well, now the data are in. Check out this graph, based on Facebook break-up announcements collected by David McCandless and Lee Byron:

As you can see, a rising number of break-ups do indeed happen in January and February, peaking in March shortly after Valentine's Day.
There is also a peak in break-ups in early December, presumably in anticipation of Christmas. This surprised me a little, since I thought that peak would happen pre-Thanksgiving. But it's still consistent with my story of holiday-delayed break-ups. Those who miss their window in early December tend to wait until February or March. (I doubt many of the people breaking up in March are the same people who broke up in early December, although I suppose some people might have holidays-only relationships.) Perhaps we should call this earlier peak the "Annual Rite of Premature Dumping."
In any case, I consider myself vindicated.
"Premature" has negative connotations — I think it implies that the couple should have waited a bit longer, whereas I think you mean only to imply that, ceteris paribus, the couple would have waited a bit longer. Maybe "anticipatory" or "accelerated" or "advanced"? (None of those has quite the right connotations either, but I can't think of any better.)
So the one who dumped me on December 18 really was that cruel.
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