Sunday, January 18, 2004

Changing of the Guard

I have two announcements. First, I am pleased to announce that my brother Neal Whitman will be guest-blogging on Agoraphilia for the next couple of weeks. Neal earned his doctorate in linguistics from Ohio State University in 2002, and he has articles published or forthcoming in The Journal of Linguistics and Language. Rather than offering a description of his political ideology, as seems traditional on mostly political blogs like this one, I will instead state his linguistic ideology: he is a semanticist with syntactic leanings. (That's supposed to be a little joke. If it's not funny, blame me, not Neal.) I look forward to his posts on language and whatever else he feels like venting about.

Second, Agoraphilia bids fond farewell to gadfly Jim Dow. He's not dead or anything; he's just decided blogging's not really his bag. He'll no longer be a regular co-blogger, but hopefully he will guest blog at some point in the future.

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