Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hey Baby, What's Your Fruit Sign?

For some reason, I'm mildly amused by Dasani's MySpace marketing gimmick, the "What's Your Fruit Sign" page. Input your birth year, and the page will identify your fruit sign: strawberry, grape, lemon, or raspberry (turns out I'm a raspberry). And then you can find out your turn-ons and turn-offs, get your weekly horoscope, connect with others who share your fruit sign, etc.

It's utterly pointless and stupid, of course. I'll never visit the website again, and I'll never get back the two minutes I spent there. But I appreciate the sly lampooning of more traditional signs like those of the Zodiac and Chinese horoscope, which make about as much sense.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Quote: "I appreciate the sly lampooning of more traditional signs like those of the Zodiac and Chinese horoscope, which make about as much sense."

Couldn’t agree more…